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Lunchtime Carillon Concert and Live Stream-Keiran Cantilina

A Lunchtime carillon concert. Free. Free Parking in the lot in front of the tower on Euclid Avenue also along Bellflower Rd behind the tower, a great place to hear the concert.
You can also tune in on your computer, tablet, or smart phone through our YouTube channel

Keiran cantilina, Carillonneur

View the Live Stream


Johannes Brahms arr. Rachel Perfecto
Intermezzo Op. 118 No. 2

Sergei Rachmaninov arr. Jasper Depraetere
Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3: Elegie

Geert D'hollander
Old Style Variations on O Waly Waly

J. S. Bach arr. Bernard Winsemius

So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife (BWV 515)
Die bittre Leidenszeit beginnet abermal (BWV 450)
Gieb dich zufrieden und sei stille (BWV 511)
Mein Jesu, was fuer Seelenweh (BWV 487)

Sarum Plainsong arr. Roy Hamlin Johnson
Conditor alme

Greet the Carillonneur following the concert at the Euclid Avenue tower entrance where you can also meet to tour the tower.

The carillon can be heard from the grounds around the tower including the Case Western Reserve Campus behind the tower away from the Euclid Avenue traffic noise. Concerts are rain or shine and your car is also a place to hear the concert. Horn honking is an accepted form of applause at the end of the program.

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